Project: Santa Knitted Doll


This sweet Santa doll from Sarah Keen’s 50 Knitted Dolls, published by GMC (£14.99, available from, is a quick festive make.








-Any DK (US: light worsted) yarn (amounts given are approximate):
-5g black (A)
-20g red (B)
-5g pale pink (C)
-10g white (D)

-Oddments of black, red, gold and green for embroidery and red and white for making up

-1 pair of 3.25mm (UK10:US3) needles and a spare needle of the same size

-Knitters’ pins and a blunt-ended needle for sewing up

-Tweezers (optional)

-Acrylic toy stuffing

-A red pencil for shading cheeks


Finished size

Santa stands 61/2in (16.5cm) tall


26 sts x 34 rows measure 4in (10cm) square over st-st using 3.25mm needles and DK yarn before stuffing

How to make Santa

Boots, legs, body and head

Right leg

Using the long tail method and A for boot, cast on 18 sts.

Place a marker on cast-on edge between the 7th and 8th st of the sts just cast on.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2: K2, (m1, k2) to end (26 sts).

Rows 3 to 7: Beg with a p row, work
5 rows in st-st.

Row 8: K4, (k2tog) 6 times, k10 (20 sts).

Row 9: P9, (p2tog) 4 times, p3 (16 sts).

Rows 10 and 11: Change to B and k 1 row then p 1 row.

Row 12: K1, (m1, k2) to last st, m1, k1 (24 sts).

Rows 13 to 17: Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in st-st.

Rows 18 and 19: Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows (18 sts).

Break yarn and set aside.


Left leg

Using the long tail method and A for boot, cast on 18 sts.

Place a marker on cast-on edge between the 11th and 12th st of the sts just cast on.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2: K2, (m1, k2) to end (26 sts).

Rows 3 to 7: Beg with a p row, work
5 rows in st-st.

Row 8: K10, (k2tog) 6 times, k4 (20 sts).

Row 9: P3, (p2tog) 4 times, p9 (16 sts).

Rows 10 and 11: Change to B and k 1 row then p 1 row.

Row 12: K1, (m1, k2) to last st, m1, k1 (24 sts).

Rows 13 to 17: Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in st-st.

Rows 18 and 19: Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows (18 sts).


Join legs

Row 20: K across sts of left leg then with the same yarn cont k across sts of right leg (36 sts).

Rows 21 to 23: Beg with a p row, work 3 rows in st-st.

Row 24: K2, (k2tog, k4) to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2 (30 sts).

Place a marker on last row for waist gathering.

Rows 25 to 34: Beg with a p row, work 10 rows in st-st, ending with a RS row.

Row 35: P5, (p2tog) 3 times, p8, (p2tog) 3 times, p5 (24 sts).

Rows 36 and 37: Change to C for head and work 2 rows in st-st.

Row 38: K2, (m1, k4) to last 2 sts, m1, k2 (30 sts).

Rows 39 to 47: Beg with a p row, work 9 rows in st-st.

Row 48: (K2tog, k1) to end (20 sts).

Row 49: Purl.

Row 50: (K2tog) to end (10 sts).

Thread yarn through sts on needle and leave loose.


Skirt of jacket and belt

Using the long tail method and D, cast on 45 sts, WS facing to beg.

Rows 1 to 3: Beg with a p row,
work 3 rows in st-st (this part is turned under).

Rows 4 to 9: Work 6 rows in g-st.

Rows 10 to 15: Change to B and beg with a k row, work 6 rows in st-st.

Change to A for belt and dec:

Row 16: (K2tog, k3) to end (36 sts).

Rows 17 and 18: K 1 row then p 1 row.

Cast off kwise.


Boot tops (make 2)

Using the long tail method and D, cast on 24 sts.

Row 1 (RS): Knit.

Cast off kwise.


Sleeves and hands

(make 2)

Beg at shoulder using the long tail method and B, cast on 5 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2: K1, (m1, k1) to end (9 sts).

Row 3: Purl.

Row 4: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1 (11 sts).

Rows 5 and 6: Rep rows 3 and 4 once (13 sts).

Rows 7 to 11: Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in st-st.

Change to C for hand and dec:

Row 12: K3, (k2tog, k3) twice (11 sts).

Rows 13 to 17: Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in st-st.

Row 18: K2tog, (k1, k2tog) to end (7 sts).

Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight and secure by threading yarn a second time through sts.


Cuffs (make 2)

Using the long tail method and D, cast on 15 sts, RS facing to beg.

Row 1 (RS): Knit.

Cast off kwise.



Using the long tail method and B, cast on 6 sts.

Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight and secure by threading yarn a second time through sts.



Using the long tail method and D, cast on 32 sts and beg in g-st, RS facing to beg.

Rows 1 to 4: Work 4 rows in g-st.

Rows 5 to 10: Change to B and beg with a k row, work 6 rows in st-st.

Row 11: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog (30 sts).

Row 12: Purl.

Rows 13 to 16: Rep rows 11 and 12 twice more (26 sts).

Row 17: K2tog, (k4, k2tog) to end (21 sts).

Row 18: Purl.

Row 19: (K2tog) twice, k to last 4 sts, (k2tog) twice (17 sts).

Rows 20 to 24: Beg with p row, work 5 rows in st-st.

Row 25: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog (15 sts).

Row 26: Purl.

Rows 27 to 36: Rep rows 25 and 26, 5 times more (5 sts).


Work bobble

Row 37: Change to D and k 1 row.

Cont in rev st-st and inc:

Row 38: K1, (m1, k1) to end (9 sts).

Row 39: Pfb, (p1, pfb) to end (14 sts).

Rows 40 to 43: Beg with a k row, work 4 rows in rev st-st.

Row 44: (K2tog) to end (7 sts).

Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight and secure by threading yarn a second time through sts.


Beard (make 2 pieces)

Using the long tail method and D, cast on 2 sts and work in g-st.

Row 1 (RS): (Kfb) twice (4 sts).

Row 2: Knit.

Row 3: Kfb, k to last st, kfb (6 sts).

Row 4: Knit.

Rows 5 to 10: Rep rows 3 and 4, 3 times more (12 sts).

Row 11: (Kfb) twice, k to last 2 sts, (kfb) twice (16 sts).

Row 12: Knit.

Rows 13 to 16: Rep rows 11 and 12 twice more (24 sts).

Row 17: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog (22 sts).

Row 18: Knit.

Row 19: (K2tog) 5 times, k2, (k2tog) 5 times (12 sts).

Cast off.



Using the long tail method and D, cast on 6 sts, RS facing to beg.

Cast off pwise.


Making up

Note: Sew up all row-end seams on right side using mattress stitch one stitch in from the edge, unless otherwise stated; a one-stitch seam allowance has been allowed for this.

Boots, legs, body and head

Sew up row ends of boots. With markers at tips of toes, oversew cast-on stitches; leg seam will be
½in (12mm) on inside edge of heel. Place a ball of stuffing into toes.
Sew up row ends of legs and sew round crotch. Stuff legs, sew up row ends of body and head, and stuff body and head. Pull stitches on a thread tight at top of head and fasten off. To shape neck, take a double piece of yarn to match body and sew a running stitch round last row of body at neck, sewing in and out of every half stitch. Pull tight and knot yarn and sew ends into neck. To shape waist, take a double piece of red yarn and sew a running stitch round row with marker at waist. Pull waist in, knot yarn and sew ends into waist.

Boot tops

Place boot tops around top of boots and oversew row ends. Sew boot tops to doll all the way round.

Skirt of jacket and belt

Turn under lower edge and hem in place. Sew up row ends of skirt of jacket and belt and place on doll.
Sew belt to body all the way round.

Sleeves, hands and cuffs

Sew up straight row ends of arms from fingers to underarm and
stuff arms using tweezers or tip of scissors. Place cuffs around wrists and oversew row ends. Sew cuffs to wrists all the way round. Leaving armholes open, sew arms to body, sewing top of arms to second row below neck at each side.

Features and buckle

Mark position of eyes with two pins on 6th row above neck, spacing two knitted stitches apart. Embroider eyes in black, making a small chain stitch beginning at marked position and ending on row above, and work a second chain stitch on top of first. Shade cheeks with a red pencil. Embroider buckle in gold, making four straight double stitches.

Embroidering features

To begin embroidery invisibly, tie a knot in the end of the yarn. Take a large stitch through the work, coming up to begin the embroidery. Allow the knot to disappear through the knitting and be caught in the stuffing.

To fasten off invisibly, sew a few stitches back and forth through the work, inserting the needle where the yarn comes out.


Sew together row ends of nose and sew nose to row below eyes at centre front.


Sew up row ends of bobble and stuff bobble using tweezers or tip of scissors. Sew up row ends of hat and lightly stuff narrow part of hat. Sew hat to head and fold bobble over and sew to side.

Beard and moustache

Place two pieces of beard together, matching all edges, and oversew row ends. Lightly stuff lower half of beard and oversew cast-off stitches. Sew beard to face, sewing ends of beard to hat, and cast-off edge to face below nose. Shape moustache by winding white yarn tightly around middle and knot at back. Sew moustache below nose.

Responses (4)

  1. Mike
    6 October 2020 at 2:54 am · Reply

    I’m trying to knit santa I cast on 18 sts one said knit 2 m1 that I don’t get it comes up more than 26 sts

    • Christine Boggis
      13 October 2020 at 9:15 am · Reply

      Hi there

      Sorry you’re having trouble with this pattern. I’ve looked at it and the stitch count is working out for me – you start with k2, then work (m1, k2) 8 times. This adds 8 sts to the original 18 making 26. I hope this is helpful and please do get in touch again if you have any further problems.

      Many thanks,

  2. Mike
    15 November 2020 at 11:53 pm · Reply

    It helpful

  3. Mike
    30 September 2021 at 2:52 am · Reply

    Hi again do you suppose to make 2 boots what about the legs & the body

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